Dabbas Bana

منسق رئيسي , مؤسسه الحسين للسرطان
International-Regional ORG
Also participated in
Short Biography
I worked at Madrasti Initiative Queen Rania initiative for seven years. I started with the Outreach Department as a Community Mobilizer and carried out many duties, including: managing the Employability Project, collection of data and reports required for needs assessment reports, conducting focus group discussions with teachers, students and public in underprivileged areas across the Kingdom, mapping of areas for needs assessment and subsequently planning appropriate evidence-based interventions, and creating a network of charities, youth clubs, schools and municipalities and involving them in the decision making of the development of action plans.
After three years, I became the Community Empowerment Senior Coordinator, whereby my tasks and duties involved: conducting mapping to identify the local community organizations to create SWOT Analyses which were used to develop the action plans, monitoring and evaluation of activities carried out in the field and reporting on achievements and areas of improvement, monitoring and evaluation of the data collected by team members for quality management and providing technical support for the M&E department for Madrasati Initiative in general.

In addition, I am a trained trainer and I conduct trainings on dealing with diversities, soft skills, education through play and games and life skills through sport

now I am working at king Hussein foundation as senior out reach coordinator /breast cancer department